von Schmalensee, L., Ittonen, M., Brødsgaard Shoshan, A., Roberts, K.T., Siemers, I., Süess, P., Wiklund, C. & Gotthard, K. 2024. Methodological artefacts cause counter-intuitive evolutionary conclusions in a simulation study. Ecology Letters 26: e14439. https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.14439
Ittonen, M., Roberts, K.T., Lehmann, P. & Gotthard, K. 2023. A range-expanding butterfly is susceptible to cold and long winters but shows no signs of local adaptation to winter conditions. Functional Ecology 37: 3064–3078. https://doi.org/10.1111/1365-2435.14445
Ittonen, M., Hagelin, A., Wiklund, C. & Gotthard, K. 2022. Local adaptation to seasonal cues at the fronts of two parallel, climate‐induced butterfly range expansions. Ecology Letters 25: 2022–2033. https://doi.org/10.1111/ele.14085
Hakala, S. M.*, Ittonen, M.*, Seppä, P. & Helanterä, H. 2020. Limited dispersal and an unexpected aggression pattern in a native supercolonial ant. Ecology and Evolution 10: 3671–3685. https://doi.org/10.1002/ece3.6154
* Joint first authors